Hey guys,
I've recently set some new goals for myself. Personal, fitness, and business goals..Setting these goals has inspired me to write on here again today!
With the first of the year approaching I hope everyone is thinking about at least one thing they want to accomplish in 2012. The amount of goals you can set are endless, when setting goals the sky is the limit. But make sure you are setting something attainable. If you want to save $500 dollars a week and only make $400, then you should start with something smaller. I know this from experience, and you may too! I'm sure we've all set some crazy goals, and when they didn't happen, or something got in our way we just gave up.
After you've set your goal, it's time to start figuring out how you are going to reach it. If one of your goals is to lose 20lbs in 4 months but you haven't worked out since your high school PE class then I guess it's time to get moving! Go for a walk- start small. Once you see how good this feels, then do more..Go to a gym..Heck by a workout DVD. Just do something. Sitting on the couch is not going to help you shed 20lbs.
I'm sure we've all been a "victim" of procrastination, right? ;) Coming from experience again, procrastinating isn't going to assist you in your goals AT ALL! Going back to a money saving goal, if you want to save $400 dollars a month and wait to the very last day to start, odds are $400 dollars isn't going to fall out of the sky (I wish!) Save a little at a time. You have to be working towards your goal from the time you set it, and on. You want to make an "A" on that paper? It's more likely to happen if you don't wait till the night before it's due to get it started. Save yourself the stress, and DON'T PROCRASTINATE!
There are so many reasons people give up on their goals..If you don't really know why you even set a goal, you are more likely to give up on it. Ask yourself why. If you want to lose weight, why? Are you unhappy with your appearance, have you been made fun of? WHY? You can't set goals just because it's the first of the year and everyone else is doing it to. Be real with yourself and find out why you want to accomplish what ever your goal may be.
And my last thing, don't give up! We all have our bad days. The days that make us feel like are goals will never be reached..The people who reach their goals are the ones who put those days behind them, and work even harder the next day!
I'm super curious to hear what some of my clients, friends, and families goals are? They don't necessarily have to do with fitness, they can be ANYTHING!
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